You are here: Products - Pelting - Samson Bodyhook 2.0
Samson Bodyhook 2.0
The bodyhook has been redesigned to operate even better then it's predecessor. The electric force creates an exeptionally smooth operation, that ensures skins are loosend with a steady pull. Whitout the pressure buildup common with air-operated machines, it handles even the thougest minks with ease. The bodyroll supports the body wich reduces the amount of damaged bodies. The bodyroll is also available separately.
- Skinning of the legs and tale in one smooth operation
- Improved clamping system including Bodyroll
- Improved program
- Bodyroll, which reduces damage
- Quickchange-system for bodyhook male/female
Technical specifications
Machine capacity: +/- 300 skins an hour
Transmission: 1,1 kW
Power: 230 or 400 V
Vogels Farm Equipment B.V. - Mutshoek 5A - 5427 EV Boekel, The Netherlands - T: +31 492 361 550 - E: