You are here: Products - Feeding - Twinca Track & MIghty 2.18
The Twinca Track & Mighty 2.18 is a reliable spreader. It consists of Twinca Track (truck) and Twinca Mighty (towed spreader).
It is equipped with a patented blower principle that minimizes dust problems. The spreader is designed to handle all types of straw and ensures a very even distribution. The machines can be supplied separately.
Battery: 65AH/12VDC
Engine: Kubota: 1105/1505
Power: 26/36 HP
Cylinders: 3-4
Cooler: Water
Oil capacity: 14/6.3 cc
Working pressure: 195 bar
Oil capacity: 28 cc
Working pressure: 210 bar
Driving: 2 WD
Hydraulic tank: 50 liters
Diesel tank: 40 liters
Machine dimensions
L = 370 / 470 cm
H = 170 cm
W = 96 cm
Turning circle: Outer 4.0 m
Weight: 950 kg
Straw bale size: 90 x 90 x 180 cm
Vogels Farm Equipment B.V. - Mutshoek 5A - 5427 Boekel, The Netherlands - T: +31 492 361 550 - E: